Hypothyroidism vs. Hyperthyroidism
What you need to know
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If you know all about Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism, you were most likely diagnosed with one of them.
Today let’s discuss what you need to know now about both thyroid deficiencies.
Do you want to see 7 Tips to Heal your Thyroid naturally? See it Here!
Health and Fitness Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or licensed medical professional and never claimed to be. Any information or tips I share in my blog, posts, or on social media are from my own experiences and journey, so please do your own research to find out what works best for you. See you doctor for information related to your own health, medication, etc. See other disclosure for more information.
Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism are very different. They are both important thyroid deficiencies to know about and most women with a thyroid disorder fall into these two categories, or Hashimoto’s/Graves Disease.
What is the Thyroid?
The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located in the lower part of the neck. It is in front of your windpipe. The thyroid, in my opinion, is the most important part of your body. It is the control command center. As Mary Shoman states in her book Living Well with Hypothyrodism, “The thyroid’s main purpose is to produce, store, and release two key thyroid hormones, triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4).” “The T3 and T4 thyroid hormones travel through the bloodstream throughout the body helping cells to convert to oxygen and calories into energy.”
The thyroid controls everything and plays a huge role in the body and function of our organs. The thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate the metabolic rate (metabolism and body temperature), and the function of our muscles, skin, heart, liver, kidney, skin and bone development, and brain development.
It is vital that thyroid hormones are working properly and released into the bloodstream constantly so you have the energy to function on a daily basis. Mind Blown, right? T3 and T4 need to be working together for this conversion. More on the deep logistics of how T3 and T4 work together in another blog post.
Hypothyroidism is having an underactive thyroid which means it is not producing enough of the thyroid hormone your body needs to function properly. There are more than 3 million U.S. cases per year.
Underactive Thyroid
When you have an underactive thyroid, it is SLOW. The thyroid hormones T3 and T4 are very important and when you have this disorder, most women’s bodies have trouble converting the T3. I never knew anything about it. I didn’t even know what a thyroid was. That is until I had extreme fatigue for a while, and one day I could barely get up to walk. I knew something was really wrong. I went to my primary doctor at the time and had blood work drawn.
Many weeks later I received a letter in the mail stating my thyroid did not produce enough of the thyroid hormone and I would have to take a pill for the rest of my life. A LETTER. No phone call. Nothing. That was interesting. Most thyroid medications prescribed by doctors include the Synthetic T4 only Levothyroxine. I took Synthroid for awhile. Unfortunately, it stopped working and most of my symptoms remained. When I think back on this, none of them ever went away. Sorry, but a magic pill doesn’t solve everything and we are made to believe it does. Read more about this in my thyroid story below.
Related: My Thyroid Story
Causes of Hypothyroidism
The most common cause of Hypothyroidism includes the disorder Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis which is an autoimmune disease that occurs when the immune system creates antibodies that attack the cells in your thyroid gland. This causes chronic thyroid inflammation. There are more than 200,000 U.S. cases per year. The other most common cause of hypothyroidism is having an iodine deficiency. Iodine which is found in iodized salt, seaweed, seafood, and other plants is an essential component in the production of thyroid hormones. Iodine is very important for thyroid health, but never in excessive amounts. More on both of these very important topics in an upcoming blog post.
Pregnancy can also cause hypothyroidism either during or after pregnancy (postpartum hypothyroidism), happening from producing antibodies to their own thyroid gland. This can increase the risk of miscarriage and premature delivery if left untreated during pregnancy. Other causes include a poor diet, Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV), pituitary disease, radiation therapy, or some medications used to treat other conditions, such as lithium.
Symptoms of Hypothyroidism
There can literally be hundreds of symptoms with Hypothyroidism and some may seem super common, but to anyone that has hypothyroidism, you definitely know they are not normal.
The main symptoms include having an enlarged thyroid (Goiter), rapid weight gain, brain fog, extreme fatigue, cold intolerance, hair loss, joint and muscle pain, infertility, irregular menstrual periods, constipation, hair loss, loss of eyebrow hair, dry skin and hair, brittle nails, high cholesterol, hoarseness of throat, arthritis, memory loss, puffy face, and mood swings. Pretty crazy list, right? Some of the symptoms are very common but they are all part of hypothyroidism and it can be overwhelming.
Hypothyroidism can be treated with thyroid medication, extreme lifestyle changes, exercise, proper nutrition, supplements, and holistic natural treatment. Finding an exceptional endocrinologist is key for proper diagnosis first. Holistic approaches include medicine with integrative, functional, and naturopath medical professionals. See the blog posts below for some of the best foods and supplements to balance your thyroid and hormones.
The Best Thyroid Foods to Nourish your Body
6 Thyroid Supplements You Need Today
The Best Thyroid Hormone Balance Adaptogens to Heal
Hyperthyroidism is having an overactive thyroid and producing excessive amounts of the thyroid hormone(thyroxine). This can cause many health problems and be quite scary if ignored.
Overactive Thyroid
When you have Hyperthyroidism your thyroid glands are working overtime and like a race car. FAST. It speeds up your metabolism and you can experience a rapid or irregular heartbeat.
Causes of Hyperthyroidism
There are many causes of Hyperthyroidism and the reason that your thyroid can be producing too much T4. The main cause can be from Graves’ Disease which is an autoimmune disorder in which thyroid antibodies stimulate the thyroid and overproduce the thyroid hormone T4(thyroxine).
Another cause includes Plummer’s Disease which is an enlargement or swelling of the thyroid gland (goiter) from thyroid nodules or lumps forming. Some nodules can become toxic. Another cause of Hyperthyroidism could be Thyroiditis. This is inflammation occurring in your thyroid which causes excess thyroid hormone to be released into the bloodstream. Sometimes this might happen after pregnancy.
Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism
Some symptoms of Hyperthyroidism include enlarged thyroid (goiter), weight loss, bulging eyes, heart palpitations, racing thoughts, heat intolerance, hair loss, soft nails, anxiety, nervousness, depression, mood swings, increased appetite, sweating, difficulty sleeping, shortness of breath, muscle weakness, lack of focus on tasks, tremors, Irregular menstrual periods and Infertility.
Are you experiencing any of these symptoms or either list? If so, many of the symptoms are so common the best practice is to first get tested by a healthcare professional. An exceptional Endocrinologist is the first place to start. If you want to go the holistic route this includes alternative medicine, integrative medicine, functional medicine, or naturopathic approaches.
Health and Fitness Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or licensed medical professional and never claimed to be. Any information or tips I share in my blog, posts, or on social media are from my own experiences and journey, so please do your own research to find out what works best for you. See you doctor for information related to your own health, medication, etc. See other disclosure for more information.
Treatment can look a little different with Hyperthyroidism because of the overproduction of the thyroid hormone. Getting the right diagnosis at the beginning for the proper anti-thyroid or beta-blocker medication is crucial, so finding the best endocrinologist or doctor specializing in hyperthyroidism is key. Radioactive iodine treatment and surgery might be other options to slow the production of thyroid hormones.
What you need to know now.
With your thyroid and hormones, the symptoms that you are experiencing can be overwhelming. Many of them can be so common that you think you are crazy. I want you to know right now that you are not crazy. You know your body and how you feel every day, and if something is off or doesn’t feel right.
Be your own advocate and start figuring out what the root causes are and where the symptoms are coming from. The first step is to get a true diagnosis so you can move forward with a treatment plan or immediate lifestyle changes. Just know this. You can reverse many hormone imbalances and thyroid issues(with Hypothyroidism) taking a holistic approach. Some of you can be medication free as well. It is a lifestyle and lifetime commitment you have to stick to and practice every day.
My 1:1 program THYROID IGNITE will get you started on your wellness journey with your hormones and thyroid. I help you track and find the root causes of what is going on first, then take you on a holistic and naturopathy approach to get you immediate results for recovery. Physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual practices will be part of the program.
E-mail me for more information with THyroid Ignite or click on link above. Don’t wait! This is going to change your life forever!!
You got this. Remember there are no two people with the exact same symptoms, diagnosis, reactions to medication, setbacks, and treatment plans. All of our bodies are different. Be your own advocate. Be your own expert. You can solve some of these things by paying attention to what is happening to your body. To your energy. To your LIFE. Don’t ever settle for one opinion and call it a day. You are too important. It is time to enjoy every moment and live your best life! You are not alone in this. If you need extra thyroid health and fitness support I want to meet you!
Please reach out to me at jen@thebestversionofher.com
Health and Fitness Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or licensed medical professional and never claimed to be. Any information or tips I share in my blog, posts, or on social media are from my own experiences and journey, so please do your own research to find out what works best for you. See you doctor for information related to your own health, medication, etc. See other disclosure for more information.
Mayo Clinic – Hyperthyroidism Mayo Clinic – Hypothyroidism
Disclaimer The advice and discussions presented on this website and in our products are solely for informational, entertainment, and educational purposes only. The information given is meant to serve as self-help for personal use only. Jennifer Baucom and Jen Baucom LLC are not licensed to provide financial, legal, or health advice. Amazon Associates Disclosure Jennifer Baucom is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com
Jennifer Baucom is a Spiritual Entrepreneur and Life + Business Coach helping driven empaths and highly sensitives heal and reconnect to their mind, body, soul & spirit. Jen offers a holistic and naturopathic approach for a balance of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual self-care + chakra practices to achieve optimal wellness and success in every aspect of life. She holds a master’s degree in IT computer science and e-business and currently completing her NLP, hypnotherapy, reiki, and life coach certifications.
When she’s not working with clients, meditating, or sharing chakra practices you can find Jen hanging out with her 4 fur babies, hiking outdoors, taking photos of sunrises & sunsets, or traveling with her husband.