11 Ways to Reduce Stress and Anxiety
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Today we are discussing the 11 Ways to Reduce Stress and Anxiety and how to manage it Daily to start living your Badass Life. Let’s Dive in!
Do you use Self-Care to Reduce Anxiety? My Fav Fall Self-Care Tips are Here.
Health and Fitness Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or licensed medical professional and never claimed to be. Any information or tips I share in my blog, posts, or on social media are from my own experiences and journey, so please do your own research to find out what works best for you. See you doctor for information related to your own health, medication, etc. See other disclosure for more information.
Reduce Stress and Anxiety – Breathwork #1
Breathe. Sometimes we are so busy we can truly forget to breathe. No Joke. One of the best ways to reduce stress and anxiety in your daily life is to pause and do breathwork. When I have freak out moments or days I feel high anxiety or stress, I stop, pause, and do a breathwork session. It is amazing and it works beautifully every single time.
Did you know that deep breathing and having breathwork practice is one of our body’s strongest and most self-healing mechanisms? You will lower blood pressure, decrease the release of stress hormones, reduce your heart rate, and of course relieve stress.
The Quick Easy Version- Breathwork Session
- Sit in a comfortable position or lay down. Place one hand on your chest and one hand on your belly. When you take deep breaths in try to move your belly more than your chest. Your belly will rise as fresh air fills your lungs.
- Breathe in slowly and inhale through your nose for a count of five. Hold for a count of five. Exhale through your mouth for a count of five. Hold for a count of five. Repeat. Another type of breathwork practice is inhaling in fast for two counts and exhaling out for one count and continue for 30-60 seconds. Practice these breathwork exercises until you feel more calm and relaxed.
Breathwork is very powerful, and you can feel super emotional if you do longer breathwork sessions. It is about releasing. It works and can be life-changing for some. The beauty of it is you can do it anywhere and at any time of the day. Lose the anxiety and raise your clarity, focus, and energy.
Do your homework first before you start longer breathwork sessions and do with professional or guided sessions. These are just suggestions from my own experience. I am not a doctor or healthcare professional. See my Disclaimer here.
Look up your favorite breathwork practice. Mine is with Samantha Skelly. You can find her on Instagram under @pausebreathwork and on YouTube. You can get certified in breathwork as well, so it is fabulous and I am very much considering it so I can add it to my courses and value for all of you lovely people!
Moving your Body- #2
I will tell you to do this every single day. MOVE YOUR BODY. All Day.
Movement is LIFE. You already know this. Workout every day. Move your body all day long. Before meals, after meals, and exercise more than once a day. Get a Fitbit or Track your Steps with an app or step tracker. Try different things and the key is to add variety with exercise or workouts so you don’t get bored out of your mind and quit.
Some types of fun exercises include walking, jogging, running. hiking, soccer, basketball, football, yoga, weight training, cycling, HIIT/Tabata, pilates, rock climbing, swimming, MMA, and boxing.
Related: Why Tabata Workouts Rock- 7 Tips to Success
6 Badass Tips on How to Lift Weights and Feel Awesome
CBD Oil- #3
CBD Oil is really powerful and the best part? It actually works. I absolutely LOVE it and it has changed my life and my pet’s lives. If you are suffering from anxiety or stress in any way, CBD Oil is something you need to consider. It has been known to help joint pain, thyroid and autoimmune issues, adrenals, arthritis, and many other setbacks.
I just started a brand new blog on CBD called CBD Thrive and will be posting everything I learned and know about CBD, Hemp, and CBD Oil very soon so check back for great things coming your way!
Currently, I am using Soul CBD products. I love the CBD Oil and CBD Oil for Pets. CBD Oil helps anxiety and pain for joints for my older dog, who has arthritis and extreme joint pain. Check these products out if your dog, cat, or sweet fur baby suffers from anxiety, stress, or pain and see what you think. CBD recovery cream is wonderful too for your joints and back. It really works and I use it on my lower back before cycling workouts and when I have pain in my joints.
Other products on the market that I like include FAB CBD Oil products and Floyd Landis CBD Oil and creams. Do your own research on CBD & Hemp Oil and see what you think. These are only recommendations and products I have tried myself, so I know you will find your favorites too.
I am not a doctor, and I am not prescribing medication for anyone. They are only my personal opinions. See the disclosure here for more information. I had to try different CBD oil products myself to really find what worked for me. Drop me a message if you need any questions answered.
Yoga- #4
Yoga is amazing. It makes you feel accomplished, empowered, and Badass! I fell in love with it several years ago and used to go to live yoga classes with my mom and she absolutely loved it too. It is low impact, promotes weight loss, lowers stress and it is thyroid friendly.
UPDATE: I tried the 30-day HOME Series online in January 2020- Yoga with Adriene and she is my new go-to for Yoga sessions. She has 6 million followers on YouTube, and you must try her out! I love her, and she is my favorite!
Years later I got into sun salutations, everything movement, and becoming more flexible. I wanted a challenge. So I bought this DVD set with Travis Eliot called The Ultimate Yogi. Wow, it is AMAZING! It is a 108-day program and a wonderful calendar is included to follow along every single day and check off what you have completed.
It is fabulous for your mind, body, and soul. Challenging? Yes, but so worth it and you will never stop doing yoga after trying this one out. Meditations are included too at the end of some sessions. There is a full 108 sun salutation session at the end of the program that is challenging and fun. It is Badass!
The other one I enjoyed is Yoga Warrior 365 with Rudy Mettia. It is really a great DVD set as well. He has many different warrior yoga practices and this works on different areas of your body. He promotes stability and preventing injury first, so it is great with emphasis on the modifications given for the yoga poses. Check it out and see what you think. Both are very different styles but I really loved both types of teaching.
They are both below so you can see what they look like as well.
Update: You can now stream online with a monthly membership through Udaya. CHECK IT OUT HERE!
Meditation- #5
Meditation is key to losing the anxiety and daily stress you are experiencing. I am still new to meditation but started with guided meditation sessions on YouTube and with a few courses online with Manifestation Babe and Spiritual Boss Babe.
You do not have to be experienced to start meditation TODAY. You can sit quietly for 5 minutes a day. Don’t forget to breathe! This wonderful practice coupled with breathwork can squash any weird anxiety-filled feelings you are experiencing.
Meditation, journaling, and visualization brought more spiritual flow and practice in my life. I have a few favorites that I added to my daily practice and those are shown below if you have an interest. Oracle cards and spiritual books.
My favorite Oracle cards are from Rebecca Campbell. WORK YOUR LIGHT Oracle Cards
Rebecca Campbell is amazing!! Her Book Light is the New Black absolutely changed my life!
Writing- #6
I love to write. It is becoming an obsession. I really enjoy free writing the most in the morning to get my thoughts, intentions, and goals out of my head and on paper. Journaling is very powerful, and you can bring so much out of your mind and into your reality fast with writing. It is empowering and your confidence will skyrocket. No stress or anxiety will be found here.
My absolute favorite book to learn from if you want to know more about writing and about morning pages is The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron
Here is the Workbook that goes with the Book if you are interested, or BOTH TOGETHER ARE HERE!
Related: Start A Blog
22 Throat Chakra Journal Prompts to Heal
25 Throat Chakra Affirmations to Unblock Creativity
Reading- #7
Do you ever read books to escape and dream? How about learning more about your mindset and reading self-help books? What are your favorite personal development reads?
Speed reading was happening every day when I was a little girl, and I couldn’t get enough books to read. I loved The Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew Mysteries, Judy Blume, VC Andrews(all of them), and any drama or fiction. It was a different world for me, and I loved every minute of it.
I still love to read(still read quickly), and I am obsessed with everything personal development. My focus has shifted to the law of attraction, NLP, chakra balance, women-owned businesses, entrepreneurship, mindset, and everything spirituality. WHOA! So much goodness out there!
Check out all my Favorite Books HERE
Have a Routine- #8
Having a Daily Routine in your life is so helpful to reduce and eliminate anxiety and stress for good. You will have absolute success in having a daily routine, and become a productive machine!
Have a plan. Know what your strengths and weaknesses are and build off of them daily. You will get there, I promise you. Pick 5 things that give you high vibe energy every single day and start there. Example: You love to feel amazing and have energy so you workout out first thing every morning. You feel your most productive in the morning as well, so you write your blog posts or articles in the am and set a timer.
Example Morning Routine Roadmap
Meditate. Drink Lemon Water. Free write for an hour. Set Intentions for the Day. Write and Speak 10 things I am Grateful For. Move my body. Fuel my body. Tackle my To-Do List.
Play with your Fur Babes- #9
Play with your fur babes every day. Give them attention and have fun. Walk, run, and have a blast with your pets. If you are an owner of a lovely dog, cat, or any other kind of fur babe from an animal shelter, humane society, or any adoption service for animals, you are experiencing 365 days of Joy. Watch how your Life changes to happiness owning or adopting a pet.
Don’t have fur babies? Go find yours and give them a forever home! You can go to your local animal shelter with adoption days, your local vet, the humane society, or any adoption center for animals. It is the absolute best way to eliminate stress and anxiety from your life immediately.
Check out my Furever Catz and Pawz FB Page and pet sitting services and coming soon: my new Shopify store for everything fur babes including holistic treats, food, toys, and clothing! Stay Tuned!
Get Badass Sleep- #10
You need your beauty sleep. Especially when you are battling a disorder, suffer from depression, anxiety, overwhelm, stress, or you deprive yourself of the much needed 8-9 hours your body needs to recharge. You can’t keep going like this. It will catch up to you, and not in a good way. Give yourself self-care and rest.
Sleeping is my absolute favorite thing to do. It makes me feel absolutely amazing. Our brains need to shut down and recharge those awesome ideas and dreams you have stacked up in your queue so you can be the best version of yourself the next morning.
If your sleep cycles are whacked out and you have a crazy schedule, your circadian rhythm will need to reset. Get Healthy sleep and stick to a consistent sleep schedule, give yourself time for adequate sleep, take power naps when you can (20-30 min), limit caffeine after 3pm, check your Fitbit daily on your sleep patterns & adjust accordingly, and start enjoying going to bed early.
Trust me, once you add more sleep in as a priority, your life will change. The stress and anxiety will dissolve. Oh, and weight loss! Win-Win!
Declutter- #11
Decluttering is so needed in our lives, and taking things out will make you feel amazing. After completing a decluttering session in your home, closet, office, or anywhere that needs it, you will feel lighter, accomplished, free, empowered, and super organized.
When you release things that no longer serve you, it opens the door for more abundance and awesomeness in your life.
Live with Less by starting with one area first, remove and organize & if you aren’t using in 30 days donate it, take your emotions out of it, don’t duplicate anything, think quality over quantity, and save the good things that will last.
Decluttering Tips to Try
- Do a 30-Day Declutter (Pick 1 thing or area each day- 30 bags in 30 days).
- Do a 55 Things to Throw Away checklist for Instant Decluttering.
- Do a Monthly Declutter and get rid of things specific to an area or room each month.
- Do a 30-Day Organizing Challenge to Organize your Life (try with a friend)
Thank you for Checking out my 11 Ways to Reduce Stress and Anxiety. I hope they personally helped you.
Please SHARE THIS POST with someone you know that needs these tips and submit a comment below and tell me where to send you the no more overwhelm checklist!
I want you to feel amazing every day!
The advice and discussions presented on this website and in our products are solely for informational, entertainment, and educational purposes only. The information given is meant to serve as self-help for personal use only. Jennifer Baucom and Jen Baucom LLC are not licensed to provide financial, legal, or health advice.
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Jennifer Baucom is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com
Jennifer Baucom is a Spiritual Entrepreneur and Life + Business Coach helping driven empaths and highly sensitives heal and reconnect to their mind, body, soul & spirit. Jen offers a holistic and naturopathic approach for a balance of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual self-care + chakra practices to achieve optimal wellness and success in every aspect of life. She holds a master’s degree in IT computer science and e-business and currently completing her NLP, hypnotherapy, reiki, and life coach certifications.
When she’s not working with clients, meditating, or sharing chakra practices you can find Jen hanging out with her 4 fur babies, hiking outdoors, taking photos of sunrises & sunsets, or traveling with her husband.